It's back - are you ready, are you steady, are you all prepped and prepared for the great big HB&L RDA Annual Fundraising Quiz?
We are delighted to announce that this year our esteemed trustee, Jonathan Cook has stepped up to the plate and has declared himself Quiz Master Supreme. Now is the time to book up and get ready to test those tired old brain cells.
When: Friday 14th March 2025
Where: East Horsley Village Hall
What time: 7pm for a 7:30pm start
With who: All your friends and family, your good chums, your besties and of course anyone you know that is a polymath or has a MENSA level IQ
What goes: It's a quiz - lots of rounds of different questions to challenge you at the end of the week, of course there'll be a raffle (with superb prizes... bring on the award winning marmalade), and our ever popular Head & Tails game (decisions, decisions - hands on heads or hips...)
What to wear: anything you like, clothes of course, but you want to be comfy and ready to focus on the answer papers
Is there food: not this year (but we've made the price cheaper) - so bring what you like: a full scale picnic, a packed sandwich, some crisps, cheese and crackers - but in an effort to save the planet (we're good folks us), can you bring your drinking vessels, cutlery, crockery etc please
What's in it for me:
A, you help your fav charity by attending a wonderful fundraising event
B, you get to exercise those brain cells before a long weekend resting them again
C, socialising with your chums is good for your mental health
D, maybe the glory of winning this year and having a bottle of bubbles for every team member
Are the kids allowed: sub-optimal, this is an adults targeted event - clever teenagers minus phones and iPads can attend - so book up the babysitter for the youngsters
How do I attend this awesome event: gather 7 friends, book up a table right here: HB&L Annual Fundraising Quiz Night 2025 | H,B & L RDA
Only 15 tables can squeeze into the hall - so don't miss out.
That's all everyone, be there or be square. In fact if you are square, you should defo be there.
We can't wait to welcome you to our first 2025 fundraiser. See you soon.